About Us

FlowPoint Technologies Ltd. creates collaborative software that helps financial organizations anticipate performance risk and growth opportunities as they evolve within their portfolios or funds, not after they happen.

Founded in 2020, the FlowPoint platform delivers an easy to use, automated, connected process that creates transparency between parties who need to share business performance data.

With FlowPoint, automated business performance reporting, compliance tracking and structured information capture are the first steps to helping financial actors like you to achieve your business goals.

Intersection, Bay St Toronto

Our Vision

Financial risk management and business reporting should be a simple, automated process that creates transparency between parties while fostering collaboration to build better businesses together.

Our Mission

To help you assess risk as it evolves, not after it’s happened.

We intend to be the dominant vendor of securely managed, end-to-end, financial risk management solutions. And we’re committed to developing products that add incremental value to the lending ecosystem.

About the Company

Great ideas come from many places. A leading Toronto-based venture debt lender identified challenges in their financial reporting and monitoring workflows and assigned a team to explore it. FlowPoint grew out of those efforts and formed as an independent spin-out company in early 2020.

We want to help you improve reporting compliance, and anticipate financial risks in your portfolio or fund, to help you operate effectively and respond proactively for more successful mitigations and growth. And we believe transparent, automated reporting and monitoring processes are the first step to helping you achieve those goals.

We were incorporated in early 2020 and started formally working on the first modules of our solution in November 2020.

FlowPoint is an independently owned private corporation.